Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Beauty of Blogging

I know I've disappeared for a while, and I do have things I'd like to blog about but I guess blogging hasn't made its way to the top of my Things To Do list lately.  But I wanted to say that blogging is a beautiful thing.  It excites me to think that in 20 years, when I'm older and graying more, I can look back at this blog and see exactly what we were up to, complete with pictures and descriptions.  It's better than flipping through an old photo album.  Even when I'm dead and gone, my blog will live on. :)


  1. I love that about it too. I have been contemplating putting my archives into printed form to add to my bookshelf along side my photo albums.

  2. you know what i have to say about that sam.... do people still do photo albums? that seems like alot of work ~ developing pictures, buying a photo album. And think, there is nothing to narrate. I like the blog moooore moooore moooore!

  3. i used to like scrapbooking (i totally just wrote "crapbook" by accident) but they require so much work. i enjoy blogging because even if my hard drive crashes and i lose photos (as i have in the past) i'll still always have my blog. :)

  4. Scrapbooking is not only time-consuming but expensive! As for the photo albums, mine are all old family ones from my childhood & even older ones of my grandparents & my dad from long before I was born. I've been slowly scanning them in as a form of backup but there's just something I love about flipping through those old family photos.

  5. i know what you mean about old photo albums. my parents have a whole closet full that i love to look thru. (although it seems the albums started dwindling by the time i came along! "youngest child syndrome" haha)
